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10 Ways to Use an Earthing Wrap

When you connect to the earth – either outdoors by walking barefoot on green grass or indoors with an earthing product – free electrons enter your body and start fighting inflammation. Chronic or ongoing inflammation is a major cause of disease, as well as a precursor for chronic pain. It is caused in the main by having too many free radicals in the body. Free radicals fan the fires of inflammation.

When free electrons neutralise free radicals, they act just like an antioxidant. Free radicals are missing an electron. Free electrons give them one! No more free radical. Inflammatory processes (including pain, swelling and loss of function) can properly wind down.

You may be interested to know that regular, old Vitamin C capsules act in the same way. Vitamin C donates its spare electrons to free radicals and thereby gets rid of them. In fact, all antioxidant supplements work this way.

With an Earthing wrap, you can bring antioxidant-like free electrons directly to the inflamed area for pain relief and faster recovery. Drape an Earthing wrap around the affected area for 30 minutes or more daily. Benefits are cumulative and increase with use. You may find that you can reduce or throw away your anti-inflammatory medications.

Here are 10 ways you can use an Earthing wrap while relaxing or sitting at home.

1. Drape Behind Your NeckEarthing_Wrap_for_Neck_Tension2. Around your Foot/ToesEarthing_Wrap_Around_Foot3. WristEarthing_Wrap_Around_Wrist4. Over your shoulders (tuck under shirt where possible)Earthing_Wrap_Across_Shoulders_And_Neck5. Around your Ankle & FootEarthing_Wrap_for_Ankle_Pain6. KneeEarthing_Wrap_for_knee_pain7. Around your forearm (for RSI)Earthing_wrap_Forearm_for_rsi8. Arm + ShoulderEarthing_Wrap_on_Arm-Shoulder9. Knee + AnkleEarthing Wrap_draped_over_Knee-ankle10. Waist/Lower Back/StomachEarthing_Wrap_for_Lower_Back_PainTake a look at different sizes of Earthing Wrap that are available in our online shop.

Further Reading:

Oschman, J, ‘Can Free Electrons Act as Antioxidants?’ in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2007, 9(13): 955-67.

Padayatty, ‘Vitamin C as an antioxidant: evaluation of its role in disease prevention’ in Journal of Americal College Nutrition, 2003, Feb 22(1): 18-35.