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Small Earthing Band

Small Earthing Band

(1 customer review)


This small 26 cm earthing band can be used on your wrist, ankle, foot, or elbow.

An earthing band is a good way to trial earthing indoors and can be used in combination with other earthing bedding, pads or mats for improved health or to accelerate healing and recovery to an injured area.

Please note you also need a Better Earthing lead and Adapter to connect this band to the earth. These are included along with a band in our single or double Earthing Band Kits.


This Better Earthing product comes with a 2-year warranty on its earthing effectiveness, plus a 1-year satisfaction guarantee.

1 review for Small Earthing Band

  1. Amanda

    I used this band for my daughter who sprained around the scaphoid bone of her wrist. By helping reduce the swelling and pain she slept happily all night.

    Great to keep in the medicine cabinet when I have 4 kids with aches and pains after playing sports and being injured.

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