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Category Earthing

Earthing 101

Get the low-down on what Earthing is, where you can do it, and how it benefits your health in these articles.

Earthing or Grounding Bedding Compared

grounding bedding compared

Looking for a quick way to compare different earthing or grounding bedding on the market? This infographic answers six important questions: How long will it last? How well will it earth when new and over time? How easy is it…

This Earthing Movie is One of the Best So Far

Grounding Movie

The long-anticipated Earthing Movie has had its full-feature debut in the USA and is available to stream for free online with no ads. You can watch below or watch on vimeo. This documentary, by Josh & Rebecca Tickell of Big Ranch…

Top 7 Health Benefits of Earthing

Earthing - Top 7 Health Benefits

Curious about earthing and how it can improve your health and wellbeing? Here’s our list of the top 7 benefits of earthing in a nutshell! 1. Improved Sleep Our modern fast-paced lifestyle leaves very little time to get the recommended…

Earthing and EMF / EMR Explained

Earthing and emf explained

Earthing is still new to many people. So it’s hardly surprising that people get confused about earthing and EMF / EMR protection. Does earthing shield you from EMF/ EMRs or not? The short answer is yes. Earthing can protect us…

Earthing and Antioxidants Explained

earthing and antioxidants explained

Antioxidants – we all know that they are good for us. We even know we can get them via fresh fruit and veggies (berries, broccoli) or supplements like Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin E, Grape Seed Extract and more. Few of…

Ready to Watch an Earthing Documentary?

earthing documentary

If you are new to earthing or simply curious to know more, you’ll likely enjoy watching an earthing documentary. To date, three have been created – two by wildlife advocate and filmmaker Steve Kroschel and one by Big Picture Ranch. These…